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What is OEBAC?The Operating Engineers Benefits Administration Corporation (OEBAC) is the new benefits plan administrator for the IUOE Local 793 Life and Health Benefit Plan and the IUOE Local 793 Pension Plan. OEBAC was founded by IUOE Local 793 with the mandate to deliver platinum level service to members and their families.
Can I get additional OEBAC Benefits Cards?Yes, just contact the OEBAC Member Service Center and a team member will assist you. NOTE: Your OEBAC Benefit Card info is also available in the OEBAC Mobile App, under the Resources section.
How can I access the benefits booklets?The benefits booklets are now accessible on OEBAC Mobile and OEBAC Online. OEBAC Online: Log in to your member profile, select OEBAC Online, and find the benefits booklets under Resources. You will be directed to a PDF link of the booklet. If you wish to receive a hard copy of the benefits booklets instead, contact OEBAC and we will be happy to mail them to you. OEBAC Mobile: Log into the OEBAC Mobile App, select Resources, and then Booklet. A PDF document will be loaded to your phone’s web browser.
Can I still contact my Area Office?Yes! Your Area Office will continue to assist in answering your questions and concerns. They can also assist you in submitting your claims through the OEBAC Mobile App to receive your payments faster. If you have questions concerning your benefits coverage, your Area Office can help you to connect with an OEBAC staff for expert assistance.
Do I still need to keep my claims receipts?Yes, you must retain your claim receipts up to 18-months after submission for auditing purposes.
How do I submit a claim?You have several methods for claims submission. OEBAC Online and the OEBAC Mobile App allow you to submit images of your receipts and/or invoices. You can upload up to 6 files and limit the size of the file to 5MB. You can also submit via a paper claim through the mail or email. The OEBAC Team cannot accept a claim without the proper form filled in and signed. If a claim comes in without a completed form or a signature, OEBAC needs to return it to the sender. The forms must be signed by the Plan member and ensure that all supporting documents related to the claim are provided. Claims related to parental leave, bereavement leave and group legal services must be submitted as paper claims through mail or email. Mail your claims to: OEBAC Claims Department 2201 Speers Road, Unit 1 Oakville, ON, L6L 2X9 Email your claims to:
How do I update my contact information?If you need to update your contact information (i.e. mailing address or phone number) there are tools to do so online. Simply login to your member account on and select the option for Update Profile located beneath the Profile Information box on your main Account Overview page. Keeping your address and contact information up to date is very important to ensure your claims are paid as quickly as possible. Keeping your address and contact information up to date is very important to ensure your claims are paid as quickly as possible. NOTE: Updates to personal information are processed every Monday. Therefore, if you make changes after Monday, you will see them reflected on OEBAC Online or the OEBAC Mobile App the following week.
How do I update my beneficiary information?If you would like to make a change to your beneficiary or dependant, you will need to complete a Personal Information Form (PIF). There are two you can do this: Use the Contact Us form on the About & Contact page to request a PIF be sent to your email via DocuSign. Please note that it may take up to 24 business hours to receive a PIF via DocuSign. You can download, print, sign and mail your PIF. You cannot email your PIF as a “wet” signature is required. All forms are available at
Why is the OEBAC postal code different on postage paid envelopes?The postal code for the OEBAC office is listed as L6L 2Z9 on the postage paid envelopes due to Canada Post sorting processes. Don't worry, the postage paid envelopes will get to OEBAC. If you need the actual postal code for the 2201 Speers Road (Unit 1) address, it is L6L 2X9.
How can I check the status of my claim?You can easily check the status of all your claims in seconds using the OEBAC Mobile App and OEBAC Online. For more information, please see this article. If you do not have access to the app or a computer, please contact the OEBAC Team directly.
Which claims take the longest to process?There are many factors which influence the length of time it takes to process a claim. Complex claims submitted with several receipts and invoices related to multiple services rendered often take a longer to process. Also, claims submitted via mail will also delay processing timelines. It is recommended that you submit claims as the service is rendered for a quick reimbursement. If a claim is incomplete, it will be returned with instructions on what is required to adjudicate the claim properly.
Is there a time limit for submitting claims?Yes. It is important that all claims incurred under the Active Benefits Plan be submitted promptly for payment. For death benefit claims, notification should be given to OEBAC and the union within 6 months of the date of death. If it is not possible to give proof within such time limit, then the claim should be filed as soon as reasonably possible and in no event later than one year from the time proof is otherwise required. For all claims other than for death benefits, claims must be submitted to OEBAC no later than 18 months from the date you incurred the expense for you to receive reimbursement. Expenses submitted more than 18 months after the date they were incurred will not be covered by the Active Benefits Plan. If there are special circumstances that prevented you or your beneficiary from submitting the claims within this time frame, an explanation should be submitted to OEBAC, along with your claims and a completed Appeal to Trustees form, for review by the Appeals Committee.
Who can I speak to if I require counselling to help me or my family members?MEMBER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (MAP) This confidential program is available under the Active Benefits Plan offers a Member Assistance Program through Members Health. This program offers the following coverage for Active Members and their Eligible Dependants. • Assessment counseling, case management and referral services. • Work-life support and resources. • Online services. • Trauma response service. • Employer / manager support services. Members Health provides the services to the Active Members on a strictly CONFIDENTIAL basis. The toll-free contact number for assistance is: 1-800-484-0152 and online at
What is OEBAC Online?OEBAC Online is a web feature added to your member account on to make your benefits more accessible. You can access it by logging into your account and selecting the red OEBAC ONLINE button located on the Account Overview page.
What is the OEBAC Mobile App?The OEBAC Mobile App is an app for your smartphone. It is available for both iOS and Android. The Media page includes video tutorials on downloading the OEBAC Mobile App.
What can I do with OEBAC Online and the OEBAC Mobile App?Using OEBAC Online and the OEBAC Mobile App, you can: o Submit a claim. o Check the status of a claim, see the amount paid and how the claim was adjudicated. o Check how much you have left in your HCSA. o Check how much of your maximums you have spent and how much is left. o Access your digital OEBAC Benefits Card. o Access the current Benefits Booklet.
Is OEBAC Online synced with the OEBAC Mobile App?Yes. Any information you input on OEBAC Online (i.e. banking information or claims submissions) will be reflected on the OEBAC Mobile App, and vice versa.
Can there be multiple users of the same OEBAC Mobile account?Yes! You and your dependants can both download the OEBAC Mobile App on separate devices and log into your account using your registration number and password. But please be advised that you cannot use the app at the same time. If more than one person tries to login, access will be denied to both users.
Who do I contact for help with OEBAC Online and the OEBAC Mobile App?If you experience issues with your account, please contact IUOE Local 793 Support by emailing If you experience issues with OEBAC Online or the OEBAC Mobile App, please email with the following information: · Screenshot of the error message · Name of the Plan member · Certificate Number of the Plan member The OEBAC team will investigate and may follow up for additional information to resolve the issue.
What if I don’t have access to a printer?The OEBAC team are more than happy to walk you through exactly how to submit claims via the website or the OEBAC Mobile App should you require assistance or check out our video tutorials. If you need to submit your claims via paper, and cannot print claim forms from the OEBAC website, you can request a claim form be mailed to you by calling or emailing either OEBAC or your local Area Office.
What if my medical professional or healthcare service provider is unable to submit my claim electronically?If the pharmacist or dentist experiences issues with the card, they can contact the Provider Call Center at 1-866-394-3648.
What if I am a member, but I don’t have a member profile set up online?If you are a Member in Good Standing with IUOE Local 793 and do not have an online account set up, register for one now at If you experience an issue, please contact IUOE Local 793 support.
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