Dear Member,
Over the years, the membership of IUOE Local 793 has met every challenge, continued to organize and press for positive change. Now, we’re excited to be moving forward with a significant change: transitioning to self-administration of our Life and Health Benefits Plan, Pension Plan, and Group Legal Plan.
This move will allow us to better serve our members and speed payment of your claims.
Rest assured, you will still be able to submit paper claims, but the new tools we introduce will offer some time-saving options.
The following pages provide more details on the change, including:
What steps you need to take
How to submit claims online
Transition Wave dates
How to download and use the OEBAC Mobile App
Watch the mail in the coming weeks for more information on the transition.
I encourage you to carefully read all the materials you receive and follow the instructions. It’s a critical step to help ensure that your claims continue to be paid without delay, and to facilitate a smooth transition.
We know how important your benefits are in helping you and your family stay healthy and well, and we remain committed to providing benefits that support our members.
Thank you in advance for your participation and support.
Mike Gallagher
IUOE Local 793 Business Manager

Transition Waves
OEBAC Online – Available After Your Transition Wave Date
OEBAC will allow you the option to submit your Health and Dental claims online, quickly and easily. Registered Union Members in good standing will have access to the new OEBAC Online feature. Once there, you will be able to submit claims in real time.
PLEASE NOTE: To log into, you must have...
Your Union Registration Number (found on the front of your union card)
Your password (created when you set up your online member account)
If you have not yet registered for an online member account, you can create one by clicking “REGISTER NOW”on the right-hand side of the “MEMBER LOGIN” page. For member registration, you will need:
Your Union Registration Number (located on the front of your union card)
Your date of birth
Your email address
STAFF MEMBERS: You will be sent instructions on how to log in to OEBAC Online via email.
OEBAC Mobile App – Available After Your Transition Wave Date
OEBAC is pleased to announce the launch of the OEBAC Mobile App. Registered Union Members in good standing will find submitting a claim is as quick as taking a selfie!
PLEASE NOTE: To sign into the OEBAC Mobile App, you must have…
Your Union Registration Number (found on the front of your union card)
Your password (created when you set up your online member account)

OEBAC Online and the OEBAC Mobile App